room 237

Weekenders #2…. Gallery Exhibitions, Films and a book on Psychopaths.

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This weekend I shall be…..


As I’m trying to be frugal and cut back on my many indulgences I’ll be committing myself to a quiet weekend, which is also the perfect time for me to catch up on some film watching. Three that have been on my agenda for the last few weeks and are lined up for some prime viewing over the next couple of days are…

Jiro Dreams of Sushi, a documentary on 85-year-old sushi master Jiro Ono, his business in the Ginza Tokio Subway station, and his relationship with his son and eventual heir, Yoshikazu

Room 237, another documentary directed by Rodney Ascher about perceived meanings in Stanley Kubrick’s film The Shining…. which also just so happens to be one of my favorite films.

And finally Francis Ha, which I don’t know a whole lot about but comes highly recommended.


Hoping to get a little further along with this book The Wisdom of Psychopaths, been so busy and distracted of late! One of my favorite subject matters… a more erudite read than one of my favorites The Psychopath Test… but easy to digest and in no way an academic study.

wisdom psycho


I’ve a few New Years resolutions this year and so far I’m doing well. One of them being a plan to attend more theatre shows, exhibitions and cultural events of the non-music variety. This weekend I’ll be heading to the Hugh Lane Gallery where I haven’t been for quite some time. There’s 2 great looking exhibitions on at the moment. An installation piece Sleepwalkers: Jim Ricks – Bubblewrap Game: Hugh Lane and a painting collection Dublin Divided: September 1913 as well as plenty of other resident works of art. I’ll be dragging my son along to this too in an attempt to cram such non sports related content into his cranium.

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What’s your weekend plans? Anything you want to recommend or shout from the rooftops about?